Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Married To You

Over the years,
I've died waiting from someone who 'see' me when others don't.
Who says love me when others don't.
Who takes care of me when I need,
Who never give up on me, although I hard to be with.
Who is brave enough to face my father,
and says that he wanna marry me.
And he mean it.

 October 13, 2013.
You came with all of your big family,
Pronounced the Ijab-Kabul,
Took all responsibilities of me over my father.

Thank you for loving me..

Thank you..
Thank you..

2 komentar:

  1. Semoga Allah memberi berkah kepadamu dan keberkahan atas pernikahanmu dan mengumpulkan kalian berdua dalam kebaikan. Amin

  2. Like.... Cepat dikaruniai momongan. Aamiin
